Hello and welcome to my website!

I've created this website with the intention of inspiring and helping other women of all ages and sizes who want to reach their fitness goals.  Those goals could be anything from losing weight, getting fit, or training for a competition.  I would love to help and support you anyway I can!

In addition, it is also a mission of mine to get more women involved in the sport of competitive bodybuilding.  The experience of getting on stage knowing that you worked as hard as you possibly could and have achieved a level of conditioning that you never have before is just unbelievable. It doesn't matter if you come in first or last, it is a competition with yourself to be the best you can be. 

 Please contact me if you are interested in finding out more information on bodybuilding competitions! 

To send me an email click here or visit my Comments page !


There is a lot of information I would like to add to this website so I will be updating it constantly.  Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see!

Thanks for visiting!












Updated: 9/5/08 11:08 PM

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